Standing Out…


I know I haven’t posted after my first post but I guess A-Levels get manic especially when UCAS Applications are being sent off and teachers are nagging you to write your personal statement and you are puzzled as to what you actually want to do; I wanted to be a Midwife for ages but I have completely changed my path towards tackling crime and discrimination; ACTUALLY try to make a change…maybe a Criminology Degree and a Masters Degree in Counter-Terrorism?? What do you guys think?

This past year and a half has been a heck of a transformation from a diverse community to being in the minority. I do not want to make the generalisation that all white upper class people are ignorant but the ones I have come across hold an awful lot of stereotypes and misconceptions and I would like to prevent these by helping educate them at the same time as helping prevent the issue.

I also, would love to make a BBC or Channel 4 documentary regarding Racism, Stereotypes and Terrorism but I need backing and just hope at some point I get some recognition to give me the ability to take this step and make a change in today’s society. It’s hard for anyone who doesn’t fit the norm of society to live a peaceful life without issues and discrimination whether that be on the bus or whilst sitting in a lesson.

Attending a Church of England School which is predominantly white does not help the fact that I stand out like a sore thumb, not exactly like a needle in a haystack. Sometimes standing out is inevitable, especially when an unknown face is being given a tour and your headteacher ,almost, purposely picks you to speak to them to make the school seem multicultural, diverse and accepting of other religions; you almost prepare to repeat the same dialogue between yourself and your headteacher. The questions I am asked are always the same about my experience at my school coming from one of the worst schools in the county to one of the best…

To be honest, my old school may have had rubbish resources, facilities and teaching but the school itself was one of the best places I have spent 5 years of my life because it gave me a true experience on how people struggle financially and the harsh backgrounds and things people are exposed to. It was all real. People were honest to each others faces, nobody was really racist because the school was so diverse, Pakistanis, Indians, Bengali, Polish, English, Filipino, Caribbean, Zimbabwean, Chinese, Canadian; the whole lot and more. Muslims, Jews, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, Atheists, Buddhist and even Gypsies (some class it as a religion and others as a way of life but still) Yes there was the odd Pakistani and Blacks versus the Caucasians but nothing they wouldn’t shake hands over after and move on.

Coming to the Church of England School as I hinted at before, has made me more self-conscious  about who I am and my identity but in a sense I value my identity more than I did before because there are so much more stereotypes in this school and so much more ignorance from the majority which come from the White Elite Class and unfortunately are quite “them and us” in their thoughts and that can be interpreted as you wish but for me its them (terrorists/Muslims) and us (liberal/peaceful people) (The irony of the word liberal)

This is just the taster to my story but to wrap it up… My moral for today is “So what if your a minority, your a minority to prove to the majority your stronger than them”…

Why? Who? What? Where? When?

Islam and Britain

I am pretty sure you heard these five phrases growing up during literacy lessons…

I still ask myself these questions being 17 years old, female, Muslim and British. 

Why Islam? Why do they call themselves Muslims? Why are my innocent brothers and sisters being killed in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Burma, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jordan, Yemen, Egypt etc etc?

Who am I really? Pakistani? British? Muslim? 

What can I say when a, supposed, Muslim man shouts “Allah hu akbar” and blows himself up taking innocent lives?

What is the truth?

Where do I fit into society? Where will my children fit in?

When will the media stop lying? When will justice be served? When can I walk down the street without being stared at? When will people stop calling Muslims Terrorists.
